Urgent Self-Care
During the course of a busy day, week, or month, it’s easy to forget about that very special person in your life — you! Everyone needs a moment to escape those high-stress situations and recharge, but finding even just a few minutes to sit, breathe, and relax can be difficult. The Healthy Monday Urgent Self-Care series is designed to help you carve out those much-needed moments of calm throughout the day.
The 8-week series offers stress-management techniques and coping mechanisms to help address a range of different feelings and emotions. Participants will be offered two practices each week that can be used in the moment (whenever you can fit in a break during the work day) or at home (perfect for unwinding after a long day) to help reduce anxiety, improve focus, regain energy, and address challenging emotions.
Download the Urgent Self-Care Package

Urgent Self-Care
Start Practicing Self-Care this Monday
Whether you're feeling depleted, anxious, discouraged, or frustrated, we have a variety of practices you can try in the moment or when you have spare time reduce stress and rejuvenate your body and spirit.