REST - Week 6

On Monday, Practice Deep Belly Breathing to Sleep Well and Self-Hypnosis

Weekly Sleep Topic

Weekly Integrative Sleep Technique Video

Patient Sleep Resources

Weekly Sleep Topic

Not getting enough sleep? Try deep breathing and counting sheep

Not getting enough sleep? Instead of getting grumpy, practice deep belly breathing exercises this Monday to relax and get some rest tonight.

If you’re having trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, we invite you to schedule time with yourself to destress before turning off the lights. Doing some deep breathing exercises can take your mind off your worries and get your head in the mood to relax and go to sleep.

  1. Lie down in your bed, in whatever way is comfortable. Most people prefer lying on their backs with the lights off.
  2. To get you warmed up and focused on breathing, take a few regular breaths in and out through your nose, nice and easy.
  3. Do deep belly breathing: Inhale slowly through your nose feeling the cool air fill your lungs and then travel down to your belly, notice your belly expanding with the breath. Exhale through your mouth, noticing the warm air flowing out, your belly contracting, and your lungs
  4. Continue breathing deeply and comfortably until you feel calm. Most people do this practice until they go to sleep.

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