Ease into Exercise

Being physically active is an important step to improving one’s overall health and wellness, so it’s normal for an individual to want to dive right into a new workout routine or fitness regimen. But before a person starts that first set, he or she must prepare to ease into exercise.

Knowing how to do the exercise properly allows you to target the correct muscle and reap all of the benefits while avoiding injury. And many times, the proper form makes the exercise easier to execute.

The Move It Monday Ease into Exercise Package is a 12-week series is designed to prepare users for increased physical activity by teaching them how to warm up, measure progress, and execute movements appropriate for their ability levels. This Monday, celebrate starting off slow.

Download the Ease into Exercise Package

Ease into Exercise

Our 12-week Ease into Exercise package helps people gain the skills they need to safely start a physical fitness routine.

Starting Easing into Exercise

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SMART Move It Feature
When it comes to staying active, exercise is a necessity, but repeating the same workouts can get boring. That’s why it’s important to pe...
This Monday, keep a record of your workouts. Tracking your fitness accomplishments will help identify useful patterns, reveal a picture o...
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This Monday, try tracking your fitness progress to help you achieve your goals. It can reveal the success you’ve achieved, help you stay ...
Move It Assess feature
An important way to avoid injury and stay active is knowing your fitness level. A quick self-assessment can help you identify which parts...